The Guardian Bank | financial sector articles


5 Reasons Why You Should Start Using Digital Banking in Business12 min read

5 Reasons Why You Should Start Using Digital Banking in Business12 min read

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Digital banking is one of the terms that came to the fore with the development of crypto and blockchain technologies. 

So, why should you use “digital banking” for your own business? What is digital banking? Can the digital platforms of various physical and international banks be called digital banking? Let’s try to answer all these questions.

First, the scope of the concept of digital banking is broad. Nowadays, it is possible to perform various banking transactions digitally via a mobile phone and the internet. 

On the other hand, platforms offered by banks to investors unfortunately do not trade with cryptocurrencies. 

The only service that classical banks offer users regarding cryptocurrency transactions is to receive physical cash equivalents of crypto assets that you exchange on crypto exchanges. 

From this point of view, it is not possible to say that the platforms known as “digital banking” platforms are “digital”. 

So, without further ado, let’s talk about the full-fledged digital banking service and how you can use it for your business and the benefits. 

What is Digital Banking in Business?

Here, digital banking is basically the ability to perform the basic financial transactions of the business world for a company or yourself through a digital platform. It is possible to perform payments, money transfers, investments and many other financial transactions digitally with “digital banking”.

You may need to open an account in that bank to make such transactions through traditional banks. 

However, international payments or offshore transactions that you open for your firm to avoid tax are not included in the financial transactions you may carry out. 

In summary, you gain access to a limited financial transaction power. 

However, a real digital bank can eliminate these limits for you. 

Digital banking platforms such as The Guardian Bank allow you to perform many different financial transactions not only in your own country but all over the world. 

These include making payments or transfers with crypto assets, opening a crypto bank account, opening an offshore account

This diversity of financial transactions that users achieve means that investments can be diversified for institutions and individuals, and therefore is important. 

digital banking

What is the Impact of Digital Banking in Business?

The Guardian Bank allows you to open digital bank accounts, treat digital currencies (cryptocurrencies) as real currencies and therefore allows you to remotely and easily perform any financial transaction you can perform on foreign currency deposits or physical currencies. 

In this respect, digital banks and digital bank accounts are extremely advantageous for institutions. So what fundamental advantages does a digital bank offer for the business world? It is possible to collect this under five headings: 

Speed: digital banking is fast. In the world of finance and investment, speed means money and allows you to save a lot of time. This also applies to digital banking platforms offered by traditional banks. 

Security: Digital banks, which allow you to make financial transactions with cryptocurrencies, secure your deposits thanks to decentralized finance technology. Today, the advantages that crypto assets offer to users are known. If you want to use these advantages in the business world, digital banking is ideal for you. 

Diversity: Offshore accounts, foreign currency deposits, commodities traded in the forex market… Digital banking allows you to carry out a large number of financial transactions in different currencies around the world without being stuck with physical limits or local banking policies. 

Investment Opportunities: A digital banking platform that is free from physical boundaries and banking policies, not only diversifies your investments, but also allows you to evaluate investment opportunities around the world. 

For example, The Guardian Bank allows many transactions such as forex transactions, trading with cryptocurrencies, foreign currency payments, opening an offshore bank account in almost every country in the world. For investors, this means being able to evaluate investment opportunities in different countries.

Tax Advantage: Today, investors may want to open an offshore account in different countries to increase their profit rates. This is legal and is often done for promotion by banks or countries. The Guardian Bank allows you to perform this transaction without being stuck at a country border.

How is Digital Banking Important for Business?

You can also consider opening a digital banking business account because of the advantages it offers. Making a profit and seizing opportunities is very important for the business world. Therefore, digital banking is extremely important to the business. 

Since the early years of the stock market and stock markets, developments in information technologies have been one of the most influential factors on banking and finance. 

Today, the internet has a large share in the invention and evolution of inventions that offer many advantages to the business, such as digital banking platforms, crypto assets. 

Digital banking doesn’t require you to deal with paperwork – procedures or other time-consuming processes. Therefore, for the business world, the contributions of digital banking are many and great. 

On the other hand, digital banking is important for the business as it offers many advantages such as taking advantage of investment opportunities or investing in other countries of the world. 

Digital banking platforms allow you to open offshore accounts in addition to capitalizing on investment opportunities or diversifying investment. 

digital banking

What Transactions Can Be Made in Digital Banking in Business?

Different types of digital banking platforms allow you to easily perform many financial transactions. 

When it comes to crypto assets, banks offer you the opportunity to physically withdraw your money by integrating with crypto exchanges. 

In contrast, full-fledged digital banking platforms like The Guardian Bank do more than that. You can perform bank account, offshore account, foreign exchange trading, crypto or forex transactions in another country through such digital banking platforms without being subject to the limitations and procedures of conventional banks.

How to Open a Business Account in Digital Banking?

Basically, when you sign up for a cryptocurrency exchange via your mobile device or computer, you open a “digital bank account”. 

The steps are similar and simple. In order to protect your account, it is possible to open such digital bank accounts with documents such as e-mail, photo, phone number and sometimes a copy of the invoice with address information.

When you want to open a digital banking account in business, additional documents related to your institution may be requested from you.

Benefits of Online Banking for Business

We talked about the main advantages of online banking for the business world. In addition to these, a digital bank that allows you to perform various financial transactions in different countries around the world can offer various extra advantages. 

These include crypto-asset money transfer, crypto-assets interest account opening, money transfer, offshore banking account opening (with tax discount for individuals or institutions), forex transactions.

You should not forget that all these financial transactions are not supported by classical banks. Digital banking platforms are ideal for business. Because in addition to the numerous advantages they offer, they allow you to make most financial transactions for free or with small commissions. 

Enter digital banking with The Guardian Bank. Discover the advantages and innovative digital banking services now!
